The goal of the EOxposure project is to build tools to quantify the exposure of population and economic assets to multiple risks using novel information layers from current and future Earth Observation (EO) missions, as well as the growing sensor web on the ground. The project, funded by European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme, is realized by a consortium of 5 universities:
– Universidade Nacional de Cordoba, Argentina
– Royal Military Academy, Belgium
– Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Brazil
– Università degli Studi di Pavia, Italy
– Universidad de Extremadura, Spain
Work packages:
Tools for mapping human exposure to risky environmental conditions by means of ground and earth observation data are being developed:
1. Housing Condition Mapping (HOCOM), based on open source software and able to exploit data from multiple EO sources, airborne/UAV platform and ancillary economic/social data sets.
2. Disease spread proxies (DISESP), based on open source software and able to exploit data from socio/economic data sets and geospatial information, assisted by additional information from multiple EO source, airborne/UAV platforms and ground sensors.
3. Physical proxies to security threats – maps of physical quantities (PHYMAP) by combining and exploiting at the most accurate spatial scale observations by multiple sources, including spaceborne/airborne/UAV platforms.
Scientific output:
In the fourth and fifth year of this project the consortium delivered a
total of 16 published academic manuscripts, and more are in preparation. Copies of these publications are (or will be) available in open access in compliance with contractual obligations.
Spring school:
We are also organizing a spring school together with the Argentinian GRSS-IEEE chapter. The event will take place at the Instituto Gulich in Argentina. The topic of the 2022 edition is “Big remote sensing data and spatial systems”. There will be two and half days with talks and tutorials about big remote sensing data processing, analysis ready data, cloud computing software and platforms. There will also be one day dedicated to hyperspectral remote sensing. The spring school and EOXPOSURE will bring together leading researchers from academic institutions, data providers and end users. In total we plan to have 30 speakers from 10 different countries, including the USA, Italy, Germany and Spain.
The list of publications linked to this project can be found here: https://zenodo.org/communities/h2020_eoxposure/
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 734541.
2017 – 2022
Rob Haelterman
Charles Hamesse
The EOXposure consortium