We are partnering up with the Belgian Air Force in the development of an innovation project around the use of Augmented Reality (AR) for Air Traffic Control (ATC). The goal is to develop a solution to alleviate the issues with the current operation of ATC officers and automate a part of their workflow. In local air traffic control, ATC officers have to coordinate the movements of all aircraft that are in their assigned airspace. An important element to properly coordinate the traffic is to build up situational awareness, which is a mental picture the controller makes of the different aircraft, containing both their current and expected (projected) position. To do this, the officer mainly uses three tools: radar, radio and large binoculars. In addition to the inherent complexity of performing the required checks with each of these tools, this setup creates an inconvenient information loss when switching between these three tools.


The objective of the SSAVE project is to develop a framework enabling shared situational awareness for maritime vessels. Advancements in connected and maritime vehicles are severely constrained by the limitations of existing communication methodologies and data exchange information. Due to the insecure nature of the current information sharing platform (like AIS) between Read more…


Unmanned maritime vehicles are becoming important assets for military operations, not only on the battlefield, but also in logistics and in supportive roles. This also means that more and more of these vehicles are being deployed in the field, each with their own characteristics. This variety poses interoperability problems when Read more…